Well, the question should perhaps be what is not in it for you.
Apart from the fact, that Tønder’s council tax is low, the potential savings on other things are huge.
So, even though the income in our part of the country do not tip the high end of the scales, a family in Tønder Kommune has more to themselves when all fixed costs have been paid.
An article on www.epn.dk shows that a family with 2 adults and 2 children in Tønder Kommune only needs a household income of DKK 602,232.00 per year to have a disposable income of DKK 15,250.00 per month. In Gentofte, north of Copenhagen, the same monthly disposable income would require a yearly household income of DKK 950,982.00.
On top of this, the hourly pay of e.g. local builders is typically lower here than in e.g. Copenhagen, and you will get your money’s worth on this as well.
On this webpage, you can see what type of house you can get for your money: https://oester-hoejst.infoland.dk/om-hojst/boliger-til-salg-i-oester-hojst/
Do you wish to build a new house? No problem! For just DKK 30.00 per m2 (incl. VAT), you can acquire a lot in a lovely, family friendly residential neighbourhood. Please follow this link to see what lots are for sale at the moment: http://grundsalg.toender.dk/Grundsalg/Parcelhusgrunde/Oester-Hoejst.aspx
Now you probably think: “That is all fine & good, but then we probably have to live in Sleepy Town at the back of beyond”.
Yes, you will be living at the back of beyond – in the most positive meaning of the word. As mentioned somewhere on this webpage, Øster Højst is located in beautiful nature, and with its approx. 500 inhabitants it is no metropolis. Nevertheless we have both a Danish and a German school and kindergarten, private daycare facilities, a hairdresser with wellness and massage, one of the best village inns in the country, a goldsmith – and a variety of other companies, together with active clubs.
Where to go to buy groceries? In Tønder, Løgumkloster, Ravsted, Bylderup-Bov or Bedsted – or perhaps a 20-minute-drive south in your car – taking you to Germany where the VAT on e.g. groceries is 7% compared to the 25% in Denmark.
“What about the culture?”
We do have a couple of concerts etc. during the year, and the larger cultural experiences are within driving range. And when you live in Øster Højst, you can afford to visit them. You could perhaps spend some of the money saved on housing in Øster Højst on a weekendtrip to Hamburg? A city with 1.8 million people, just 2 hours south by car or by train from Tønder.
Perhaps you will even get more cultural experiences by living in Øster Højst. You will most certainly have more time and money for it.